Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The term "Homo" means "man" and "Sapient" implies "thought", hence "thinking man." However, the term Homo Sapient, which refers to a 48-chromosome primate, is arguably misapplied. A more accurate term might be "Hominoid-Sapient," which denotes a species of primate with advanced intelligence that also walked bipedally and maintained an upright posture similar to that of humans.

The Homo Sapient species became extinct, and this means, they did not have the opportunity to evolve and therefore and without question we can say, humans did not descend form that extinct species. 

In contrast, other ancestral human species were later discovered, carbon dating 20,000 years however, these findings were covered up because these species did not evolve which means, they did not have predecessors, and that contradicted all their initial evidence-based belief of evolution.

During the Jurassic period, large reptiles and mammals became extinct, meaning they did not have the opportunity to evolve therefore, they do not exist today.

If science suggests that the 46-chromosome man evolved from the 48-chromosome Homo Sapient, then the origin of the 48-chromosome gorilla remains unknown.

Before the advent of human genetics, it was believed that humans evolved from Homo sapiens, a term now considered inappropriate but still accepted. However, the discovery of human genetics in 1990 severed the link between humans and the primate lineage.

Later, the first human male with 46 chromosomes was discovered, later called "The Nuclear Adam." After this, the 46-chromosome human female was found and called "Mitochondrial Eve."

Two more human species were later discovered, the most recent in 2023, called “Iceman.” It remains to be seen whether this discovery will also be erased to keep humans ignorant.

It seems that certain individuals at the highest levels of society disapproved of these facts and removed this information from textbooks, keeping humans in the dark to the point that they accept the idea of evolving from the primate lineage, a notion that seems to satisfy most.

Evolution cannot alter the chromosome count of any organism; A shark will always be a shark.

To contextualize this, one animal species cannot evolve into another one; Even less likely is the scenario in which an animal evolves into a thinking human.

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The term "Homo" means "man" and "Sapient" implies "thought", hence "thinking man." However...